Hosting Features
You have complete control of the domain name. If you use our hosting, you will get access to custom-bulit DNS Zone File Editor. For users who need to customize domain name records, our Cpanel provides a powerful and flexible DNS zone file editor. This is useful for redirecting email to a third-party server or pointing a subdomain on a static IP connection.
cPanel is one of the most widely used Linux-based control panels in web hosting accounts. Through this panel, you can easily manage all services in one place. Currently, cPanel is a popular standard panel and most web developers are very familiar with this tool.
We have a team of experts to help with your needs, 24/7, 365 days a year. To speed up web hosting questions and answers, you can discuss with the live chat team. If there are questions that require further checking, please send an email ticket to
We guarantee that our server will be online!! If you experience more downtime than our guarantee, ``That almost never happens``. We will be happy to provide a money back service.
With server-side technology and software, we support users with PHP 5.x and 7.x, MySQL 5, and Perl 5.8. Each hosting also comes with CloudLinux os, standard GD Graphics Library, Curl Library, ImageMagick 5+, Server Side Include (SSI) support and CGI-BIN and Site-wide CGI support.
Purchase of Shared Business 1 and 2 years free domain and Globalsign Wildcard SSL.
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Jalan Garuda No.75U, Gunung Sahari Selatan, Kemayoran, KOTA JAKARTA PUSAT, KEMAYORAN, DKI JAKARTA, 10610
(+62) 089 8190 8190